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The Family Who Stomps in Mud Puddles Together Stays Together

I hadn't seen Stacy since we were 18 years old, but she is still the same happy and kind girl I knew in high school. I met her husband for the first time at our photo session and my impression of the two of them was, they make such a great team. It was immediately clear how kind, respectful, and caring Stacy and Mike are to one another.

Now let me introduce you to the star of the show: the multidimensional Miss Rowan! This girl can rock temporary tattoos and a dinosaur shirt while stompin' in mud puddles, then be equally fierce in a dress and homemade princess crown. Is there anything Rowan can't do!?

She is fun, adventurous, and curious, so it made perfect sense for our photo session to be at her favorite place: Winnemac Park in Chicago. Stacy brings Rowan here ALL THE TIME, so it was a special location to capture the heart of this family. A family that will hopefully soon grow by one. Stacy and Mike are in the process of adopting and you can read all about their experience on her blog, Stacy says it perfectly, "We are choosing to adopt because we believe that every child deserves the stability and quality of life that their biological parents want for them, and we know that we have the ability and desire to welcome another child into our family, and to love them until our hearts just about explode with admiration and pride for this tiny little human we will be lucky enough to call ours." When that day finally comes, life will become infinitely sweeter.


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